Aboriginal Education Resource Links
/Aboriginal Education Lesson Plans (Elementary)
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, Game Lesson Plans (Gr. 3-6)
This site includes two detailed lesson plans for grades 3-6 about First Nations in Canada, and takes a game-based learning approach. It should be very useful for elementary teachers. Being run through the federal government, it directly adheres to established educational policies and goals.
URL: www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/1302545336268/1302545527136
BC Ministry of Education, Aboriginal Education Resources
This website contains Ministry-approved materials for teaching First Nations in the classroom, including Integrated Resource Packages (IRPs), maps, ongoing research projects, and links to other useful resources. There are not very many resources, but they should all be very useful.
URL: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/abed/documents.htm
Central Okanagan School District Classroom Resources K-7
URL: www.sd23.bc.ca/ProgramsServices/AboriginalEducation/CurriculumResources/CRK-7/Pages/default.aspx
Crunchers: A Fun Fast-Facts Game about Aboriginal Peoples in Canada
Source: Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Summary:
The cruncher is a fun colouring activity that will help children (ages 8-12) learn more about First Nations, Métis and Inuit in Canada.
Curriculum Connections: Metis (2004) Gr. 3, 6, 7, 8
URL: www.etfo.ca/Resources/ForTeachers/Documents/Canadian%20Aboriginal%20Festival%202004%20Curriculum%20Connections%20-%20The%20M%C3%A9tis.pdf
First Nation Child and Family Caring Society lesson plans
Good contextual discussion of First Nations education and some of the issues surrounding it, and includes links to other good resources as well: all in all, a great resource. There are four different documents for different age ranges.
How Grandmother Spider Stole the Sun –Primary Lesson (Gr. 2-3) URL: www.etfo.ca/Resources/ForTeachers/Documents/Canadian%20Aboriginal%20Festival%202006%20Curriculum%20Connections%20-%20Primary%20Lesson.pdf
In Our Own Words K-3
URL: www.fnesc.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/PUB-LFP-K-3-In-our-Own-Words-for-Web.pdf
Indian Residential Schools Gr. 5
URL: www.fnesc.ca/grade5irsr/
Junior Division Drawing Unit (Gr. 6)
URL: ontarioarteducationassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Drawing_Junior_OSEA-2.pdf
Kamloops/Thompson District School Board, Implementing Aboriginal Content
This extensive list of resources includes everything from links to full units and lesson plans to simple ideas meant to get you started developing your own lessons. There are several hundred items included, although it has not been kept updated since 2012. It also includes links to Ministry Prescribed Learning Outcomes.
URL: www3.sd73.bc.ca/education/content/fn-cross-curricular-secondary-resources
Kid's Stop
URL: www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/1315444613519/1315444663239
Laurier University Faculty of Education - Aboriginal Lesson Plans and Activities
This site provides a plethora of links to online resources, strategies and actives related to Aboriginal education and the classroom.
URL: legacy.wlu.ca/page.php?grp_id=1867&p=21061
The Learning Circle: Classroom Activities on First Nations in Canada
URL: www.etfo.ca/Resources/ForTeachers/Documents/The%20Learning%20Circle
Native Leaders of Canada Lesson Plan (Gr. 4-6)
URL: fner.wordpress.com/2013/01/05/native-leaders-of-canada-gr-4-6-lesson-plan/
NorQuest College Library -- Indigenous Education: Curriculum Resources
URL: http://libguides.norquest.ca/c.php?g=314831&p=2668525
Ontario Ministry of Education, Aboriginal Education Teacher’s Toolkit: Aboriginal Education Strategy Practical Teaching Strategies for the Elementary Classroom Gr. 1-8—Useful Lesson plans
URL: www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/aboriginal/elemStrategies.html
Wilfrid Laurier University, Aboriginal Lesson Plans/Activities
This is a very good resource for teachers who are looking for aboriginal lesson plans for all grades. Games, activities and lessons for social studies, language and history are all covered.
URL: legacy.wlu.ca/page.php?grp_id=1867&p=21061